The information on this page was derived from from the 1898 edition of the Rang und Quartier Liste der Königlich Preußischen Armee, published by Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn.
Without Prussia we'd all be speaking French
At Waterloo, as Abba sang, Napoleon did surrender, defeated by what the Foreign Office described this week as "British military heroism". (full article, The Australian)
Prussia v. Denmark Now a TV Series: 1864
Ole Bonedals upcoming series 1864 focuses on the Battle of Dybbøl, a war that reduced Denmark by two-thirds, and can still make Danes feel small. (full story, Bleeding Cool)
Prussia v. Denmark Now a TV Series: 1864 Video Game...
Shell Shock is set in the Second Schleswig War, a half-year conflict in 1864 between Denmark and the combined forces of Prussia and Austria. (full story, Pocket Tactics)
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© Michael Hughes, 2013